In an attempt to stay warm this winter, in an inadequately insulated Edwardian house, I have been layering up undergarments, clothes and scarves – to a colourful extreme. I could easily be wearing the full rainbow in separate, single-colour items at this time of year. Contrasting colour combinations take the tedium out of getting dressed and add a cheering element to any bleak day. I Am a colour-passionate artist, after all!
Today’s list includes coral pink, pale olive green, turquoise, duck egg, cornflower, indigo, parma violet and magenta. I am almost radiating colour.
So I’m thinking – about celebrating all of the colours thoroughly over the next few months. And I’m setting up some challenges for myself to get stuck into… For starters, I am going to search for and share instances of red in my art and life for the remainder of February. Then, will move on to orange for March, yellow for April etc, until by August I’ll have explored the whole “Richard of York gave battle in vain” rainbow mnemonic.
I’m planning to take on some other colour challenges along the way – so keep watching!